Success starts in community, so let's re-up the Village Scholarship Initiative (VSI) for the 2022-2023 School Year. WE NEED YOU!
Over the years, Into God Network & Soulciety61 has granted several academic scholarships to students nationally and internationally. It is our belief that in line with it taking a village to raise a child and the ubuntu philosophy, we as a community can do what it takes to support the educational dreams, goals and aspirations of our selected students. We would love for you to join the community and add to the financial support in building a sense of oneness for the next generation of leaders, professionals and world changers.
Last year, we awarded just over $4000 to two students in need. This year, we would like to reach a minimum of this same goal, but increase the recipients to at least three students. The goal will be to increase our reach and support each year The Village Scholarship Initiative is actively running! WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
*Please finalize all contributions by August 1, 2022
Support our students so they can thrive and achieve their goals. We want to award a minimum total of
Your donation goes directly to supporting students
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